
The Drive It Home campaign is funded by a grant to
             Keep Lake Placid Beautiful from the State of Florida.


               download.png                              Ron DeSantis, 46th Governor of Florida


The Florida Department of Transportation has a new and exciting campaign that KLPB will be helping out with in 2017. The Drive It Home campaign aims to "Keep Our Paradise Litter-Free" and focuses on reducing roadside litter, much of which can create dangerous driving conditions.

Did you know that more than 25,000 accidents are caused by vehicle-related road debris each year in the U.S.? (FDOT)

Let's help to reduce those numbers and keep our county clean, too!

Ways You Can Help

    • Dispose of trash in its proper receptacles
    • Keep a bag for trash in your car
    • Refrain from throwing trash out of the car window
    • Secure your load when you carry trash or loose items in or on your vehicle

Adopt-A-Highway Program

To learn more, please visit http://www.dot.state.fl.us/statemaintenanceoffice/aah.shtm.

Litter-Hotline number: 1-800-BAN-LIFT(er) /1-800-226-5488

Stay tuned for more information, or visit http://www.cleanflroads.com.